Increase web traffic and Engagement on Business Social Media pages with Animated Logos

Increase Traffic on Your Website and Business Social Media Pages 

Most small and medium business owners are looking for ways to increase their web traffic and engagement on social media business pages on websites like LinkedIn.  

One method I share on in articles on LinkedIn and on #SPN is to upgrade your logo from a jpg non moving static image, to an animated moving logo GIF.  Sounds so simple, but the affect is profound.

Let me paint a mental picture for you.  You're on the street at night driving down the road.  One compnay has a sign lit's a traditional sign, doesn't move, blink, or change at all.  On the other side of the street is a neon sign, where the neon lights move, the image is the stationary but the changing lights create movement.  If you are wired like most people, your eyes will be drawn to the moving sign.  Want to test the theory?

Example one.

This is a a jpg.  Not a bad image, infact it's my comany's logo for Bowman Digital Media so I think its great.  The point is, in a sea of static logos it's ability to draw you in might be limited.

Now without saying to much, observe the power of the GIF.  Where is your eye drawn to between these two images?

Do you think it's a fluke?  Let's try it again.  This time I'll put the moving image first...

Well?  Moving or standing still...what is your eye drawn to?

It works for high definition graphics and low res images.  

One last test to prove my point.  

To summarize, if you want to catch more attention, you don't have to spend a ton of money on advertising and SEO work.  You can help your cause greatly with a simple GIF, use in your website, social media and email campaigns.  The motion will help you get noticed.

If you want me to animate your logo for you, please send me a message here: and put animated logo in the subject line.

You can change your branding, marketing sales strategies to help increase your traffic.  I'm here to help you develop a plan that works for you and fits your budget. 


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